Thursday, October 28, 2010

Big data

Interesting series of videos by Jeff Jonas, "Mister Data" at IBM:

See also:

Two problems:
1. How to deal with huge volume of data? How to exploit it, understand trends, cycles, etc. ?
2. How to bring sense, meaning into that big data?

For #1, see Attivio, ClickFox or Aqumin for new technologies being able to nicely display huge amount of real-time data.

For #2, connect data together, build a context around it. It's all about semantics.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Seen this article on TheServerSide: here.
Product page:

How should we react when reading posts like this in 2010?
It's like being back 15 years earlier.
How is that possible to write so many irrelevant statements in a single post?

The so-called "pragmatic" approach has given birth to so many useless frameworks like this one.

The good news is there is still a need for a comprehensive data manipulation solution.

Monday, October 25, 2010

JBoss Teiid
Seems to me this is a basically a kind of repackaging of their good old  metamatrix offer, with all its benefits and limitations.
Anyway, it seems RedHat is going in the right direction.

Any feedback from user would be welcome.

The importance of Data in SOA infrastructure

Interesting thread seen on LinkedIn: here.

Considering data is key when deploying a successfull SOA.
Sometimes services encapsulating data tend to reinforce silos instead or reducing them.
This is a kind of paradox but this is true.

A real data strategy should be at the heart of SOA, before anything else.
As I always said, data has been the failure of most large architectures: CORBA, EJB, etc.

NB: seems to me in the .NET world, data is now considered as a first citizen.

Restart that Blog

I haven't posted anything here since more than one year.
I have been in some personal turmoil after the acquisition of Xcalia by Progress Software.

For different reasons, I think it is the right time to restart communication around Data Services.

I have just created a LinkedIn group about Data Services, feel free to join and contribute.

And stay tuned.